Writers' resources

Downloadable resources

We have created some free downloadable resources for you (see below). We have also sifted through many book-related sites to find useful links and contacts for you to explore:

Useful contacts & websites


Ash Literary: specialises in books for children and young adults

Andlyn Agency: this boutique agency focuses on nurturing talent

Curtis Brown Group: this group includes well-known literary and acting agencies, as well as a creative writing school, with free resources

Darley Anderson Agency: covering all media, this agency has a section for children’s literature

The Good Literary Agency: social enterprise agency for under-represented writers    

The Madeleine Milburn Agency: offers an annual mentorship programme, with four places for under-represented writers 

Inclusive bookshops

Afrori Books: large online store for books of Black origin with an informative blog

Book & Kulture: An online bookstore that shines a spotlight on underrepresented authors and crafters from the African diaspora 

Book Love: their book events include a multicultural travelling book carnival

Black Star Books: online Black-owned inclusive children's bookshop 

Letterbox Library: established, not-for-profit supplier of diverse children’s books 

Mirror Me Write: online children’s bookshop celebrating diverse literature

New Beacon Books: very well-established London bookshop for African and Caribbean literature

Round Table Books: great indie inclusive bookshop in Brixton

Indie publishers/packagers

Alanna Max: creates inclusive picture books for children 

Formy Books: Black-family-run publisher championing own-voice books and creatives of colour

Knights Of: children’s fiction publisher dedicated to diversity 

Lantana Publishing a children's publisher and social enterprise making inclusive books by underrepresented voices 

Otter-Barry Books publishes culturally diverse and inclusive illustrated books plus poetry titles

StoryMix: creative fiction development studio working with writers and illustrators of colour

Magazines/books/ online publications for writers

Bad Form: literary review for writers of colour with advice and courses

Books for Keeps: subscribe for free to the UK's leading children's books magazine

Fierce White Rabbits: a walk through the history of picture books - in-depth analysis of picture book creators and their works by Clare Pollard 

Pen&inc: magazine celebrating inclusion and diversity in children’s books

The Bookseller: leading publishing magazine for the latest industry news 

Token magazine: annual publication for underrepresented writers

Words & Pictures: an online magazine for the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI-BI) British Isles region 

Writers’ Forum: aimed at new and aspiring writers it's a monthly publication with the latest industry info and expert advice

Writing Magazine: is one of the UK's bestselling magazines for writers at all stages of their careers


Faber & Faber: renowned publisher currently offering online events and a useful blog. The Faber Academy offers a payable course

Hachette UK: launched the Mo Siewcharran Prize, in recent years, for unpublished fiction writers from Black, Asian, Mixed Heritage and Minority Ethnic backgrounds. 

Macmillan Children's: worth looking at their published titles of inclusive children's books 

Penguin Random House UK: has plenty of publishing and writing information. They also offer writing workshops, fees payable

Scholastic Children's Book UK: publish an exciting range of thoughtful Black children's books including the groundbreaking Voices series

Publishers' forums

Writers & Artists: the Writers' & Artists' Yearbook is an essential reference for the publishing industry. The website has an online subscription for full access to the latest listing of publishers, publishing services and agents

They also have free advice about the publishing process and area-specific information, including writing for children. Here's a link to the Children's edition of their Yearbook.

Self-publishing companies

All self-publishing companies offer payable services. Unless you have a known market for your book think carefully before signing up, but many self-publishing websites have useful information for new writers.

The Author School: offers writing courses and mentoring; they also offer a full marketing and self-publishing service at Ink! 

Reedsy: one of the largest self-publishing companies offers webinars and advice 

Scribophile: a payable writing service but has free advice

Writing groups, societies and other online resources

All Stories: a mentorship programme for unpublished writers from under-represented groups 

Black-British Book Festival: a day-long book festival for anyone interested in Black literature 

Black Books Matter UK: this relatively new UK branch has a useful blog           

Black British Writers: has virtual clubs for writers and readers

Black Writers' Guild: see Writing a children's book

BookTrust: check out their BookTrust Represents page; they also have a comprehensive list of opportunities for writers of colour 

Kindlepreneur: lots of useful information on writing, self-publishing and marketing 

Literature Wales: has a new programme called Representing Wales, focused on developing writers of colour 

Louise Harnby: Excellent bite-sized advice from a professional on editing and proofreading 

Love Reading: offers a range of services for readers and writers — the section on children's books is a good place to find out what children are reading and enjoying now

Megaphone: a writer development scheme amplifying children's writers of colour 

National Centre for Writing: lists events, courses and has free resources

New Writing North: seeks out and supports talent in the North of England; they also offer training

New Writing South: as above, but for the South

Out on the Page: supports LBGTQ+ writers with events, a newsletter and resource list 

People of publishing: an expert blog packed with honest info about UK publishing

Picture Book Den: a blog by authors and illustrators to share their love of picture books 

Royal Society of Literature: a literature charity open to all writers; it has a free newsletter with articles by leading authors and links to local organisations

Society of Authors: offers plenty of free resources, but full access requires membership   

Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators: see Candy Gourlay's video

Spread the Word: focuses on writers in London, but also has online help

UK Black Writers Forum: offers news and a list of regional book groups 

WriteMentor: offers mentoring programmes, courses and a magazine for children’s writers; also its useful podcast focuses on the How and why of writing

Writing Life: podcast from The National Centre for Writing